

Nowadays Flutter is becoming more and more recognized as a viable solution for making mobile cross-platform applications. Also, AWS Amplify […]

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On Amazon Web Services the Serverless computational service par excellence remains Lambda, a must-have service when talking about this paradigm. […]

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AWS Lambda Functions as a Service (FaaS) have quickly become the Swiss Army knife of the AWS cloud DevOps since […]

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Nowadays, using Docker as an infrastructure container for local testing purposes is becoming more and more common. Many times developers […]

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Introduction He did it! Our Cloud Expert Alessandro Gaggia got his sixth (!) AWS Certification (the 58th AWS Certification for […]

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Introduction Binomial services CloudFront and S3 are nowadays part of consolidated practices for many companies that have the necessity of […]

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A. Gandini - S. Merlini - 12 June 2020

We are in the middle of the serverless age, in a moment where the advantages of this approach become more […]

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In this second part of our journey (missed Part 1? Read it here!) covering the secrets and practices of Python’s […]

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Applications running in production lose their ability to tell us directly what is going on under the hood, they become […]

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Day by day the number of companies that look with interest at the cloud computing world increases and many of […]

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