
Alessio Gandini - 13 December 2019

Welcome back to our series of blog posts dedicated to SaaS Enablement. After our deep-dive about refactoring a monolith into […]

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A. Gaggia - S. Merlini - 29 November 2019

In this final article of our 3 part analysis (you can read here the first part and the second part) […]

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A. Gaggia - S. Merlini - 15 November 2019

In the first article of our 3 part journey on how to break down a Monolithic application we have started […]

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As applications grow in time, adding new features, with complex logic, many different interactions and coupling between components, it becomes […]

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A. Gandini - S. Merlini - 18 October 2019

Nowadays cloud architectures are more serverless than ever before.  We deploy our products using CloudFormation templates and deployment scripts, and […]

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Have you ever found it useful to access an EC2 instance, belonging to an Auto Scaling Group, to configure it […]

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In the last decade, the way we deal with and manage information dramatically changed due to two main reasons: on […]

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One of the most recurring features in web and mobile applications is certainly user authentication; being able to off-load the […]

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In recent years, the widespread diffusion of Cloud computing has led to a massive adoption of the “microservices” application development […]

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A. Gaggia - S. Merlini - 21 June 2019

In this final article of our 3 part analysis on how to break down a Monolithic application we will exploit […]

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