Data Analytics su AWS: la nostra guida introduttiva
13 Novembre 2020 - 9 min. read

Alessio Gandini
& Simone Merlini
& Simone Merlini
Let’s create a serverless notification system with Amazon API Gateway – using WebSockets and Lambda Layers ? great post by @beSharpsrl #AWS #Serverless
— Danilo Poccia (@danilop) September 2, 2019
Great article, going serverless is a much smarter way to deploy but can be so confusing to full understand which has always put me off the concept.
— Mackenzie Jackson (@mackenziempj) March 6, 2020
Thanks to @beSharpsrl too for being a great contributor to our publication.
— ? FAUN ? (@joinfaun) June 25, 2020
Hi, yes I followed the tutorial to deploy a series of Node JS microservices ??
— Nicolás Forero Puello (@thenickforero) July 27, 2020
Build your own mobile file hosting application with Flutter, Amplify, and AWS
— AWS Amplify (@AWSAmplify) September 25, 2020
The benefits of doing blue/green deployments using ECS, Fargate and AWS ELB., by @beSharpsrl#ecs #continuous #deployment #aws
— ? ǝɯɯıs #picoctf (@0x12b) December 4, 2020
I have to give credits to @beSharpsrl , they have helped my team with Chalice!
— Mirco Grillo (@pyflare) February 25, 2021
They gave us an example of a better structured project and a way to write tests easily + nice way to use AWS DataAPI