
N. Ferrari - S. Merlini - 22 July 2022

Our previous articles discussed what a Landing Zone is and why it is important for any company to implement. Then, […]

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N. Ferrari - S. Merlini - 08 July 2022

In the previous article, we explained what a Landing Zone is and focused on some basic notions on how to […]

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Today is essential to fully exploit the potential of the cloud to carry out efficient and successful projects. The serverless […]

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Cost optimization and operational efficiency are key value drivers for a successful Cloud adoption path; using managed serverless services significantly […]

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In the last few days, I started looking at AWS IoT Greengrass, one of the many IoT services offered by […]

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Introduction In the Hybrid Cloud model, there is a lot of complexity related to the network when we want to […]

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Introduction The infrastructure as Code (IaC) has been one of the most popular keywords in the cloud topic. This made […]

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Introduction Today, many solutions require approaches that implement a joint use of public cloud providers and their own on-prem resources. […]

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Mattia Costamagna - 18 March 2022

IoT ecosystems consist of thousands or more devices connected to a centralized backend that handles connections and inward and outward […]

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